If you want to be a successful person, use most of your time to associate with positive, happy, optimistic people who have goals. Virtually every point in your life someone is standing there to either help you or hinder you. Successful people make a habit of building and maintaining a network of high quality relationships in life and the as a result they accomplish vastly more than the average person.
The more people you know and know you in a positive way, the more successful you will be and the faster you will move ahead. 85% of your success in life is going to be determined by the quality of the relationships that you develop in your personal and business activities. More than 90% of your success will be determined by your reference group. Self-made millionaires network continually, they join their industry and trade association, they attend every meeting and get involved in every activities. They introduce themselves in business and social settings, handout their business cards and tell others what they do.
Here is one of the best strategies, whenever you meet a new person socially or in business, ask them to tell you about his or her business and especially to tell you what you would need to know to send a client or a customer to him or her. Then as soon as possible see if you cannot send some business their way. Always think of ways to put in before you start thinking of ways to take out. The very best way to network and build your relationships is to constantly look for ways to help other people to achieve their own goals.
Here is the rule, the more you give yourself without expectation or return, the more rewards will come back to you from the most unexpected sources.
Regards Brian Tracy
This was sent to me via facebook. I thought it was pretty interesting and actually very true, so I wanted to share it with everyone. Enjoy....
SILKY Modular Sofa
1 hour ago
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